Apocalypse: World War 2. 1939-1945 Europe (2020)

Robert Karpinski
Варгейм, Военные
Контроль территории
Время игры
60 — 360 мин
Количество игроков
1 — 3
Возраст игроков

Описание «Apocalypse: World War 2. 1939-1945 Europe»

Apocalypse: World War 2. 1939-1945 Europe is a strategic level game covering the World War II European Theater.

During the game, you play the leader of one of three countries (Great Britain, Nazi Germany or the USSR) and it depends only on your decisions whether you will lead your country to the final victory.

The game is based on cards (CDG - Card Driven Game).

The events shown on the cards are authentic - but it is up to you whether history repeats itself. By description of each event, the game has enormous educational value. There will be around 600 cards available which will describe in detail the most important events of the Second World War.

The game uses the mechanics of so-called fog of war.

Each turn is alight with intriguing on-board challenges plus the surprise of card hand Events as players vie to win in one of three different ways: militarily, for victory points or technologically.

TIME SCALE: 3 months per turn


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