Battletech: Touring the Stars – Herotitus (2018)

Patrick Wynne, David Allen Kerber
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Описание «Battletech: Touring the Stars – Herotitus»

From oppressive occupation by pirates to religious domination by various sects, Herotitus knows what it means to suffer. New hope for the future is growing, thanks to the stability and protection from the resource-rich world’s deadly, unique native wildlife offered by the narrowed eye of the Fronc Reaches and their Colonial Marshals. But criminal elements remain in hiding, desperate to return to power, threatening the precarious peace.

Touring the Stars volumes consist of a color cover depicting an orbital view of the subject planet, a short history section, a small number of RPG tracks tailored to the planet, a rules annex detailing optional rules for games and scenarios set on the planet, a color world map and a hexed Battleforce 2 map. Each volume averages between 15 and 19 pages in total.


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