Jeremy Dawson
Поле для перемещения, Карты на руках, Модульное поле, Выбывание игрока
Время игры
15 — 30 мин
Количество игроков
1 — 6
Возраст игроков

Описание «CIRCUITRY»

Build the circuit board with the help of 30 double-sided cards. Move strategically your pawn from a CHARGE POINT to the MASTER NODE and collect and play the charge cards. You can change the circuit board's pathways, or force your opponents to move when they don’t want to. The goal: build and negotiate the pathways to reach your charge point, before returning to the master node and eliminate other players.

How to Play:
Take circuit-board card #1 and put it with the numbered side face-up between all the players. Each player chooses a coloured pawn and places it on the matching coloured NODE of card #1.

The CHARGE POINT circuit-board cards (#2-#7): each have a different coloured charge point.
Each player takes the CHARGE POINT card that corresponds to their pawn's colour and the rest of the CHARGE POINT cards are now put away and no longer used.
The remaining circuit-board cards (#8 - #30) are shuffled and each player is dealt an additional 3 so each player now has 4 circuit-board cards in hand (which includes their CHARGE POINT card). The rest is put away.

The gold-back mini cards (movement and certain action cards) are shuffled and placed in their own deck (face down). The green action mini cards are separated into their own corresponding piles (6 of them) and placed face up.

Each turn a player selects 2 mini cards of any combination that they wish to take.
A player can have as many mini cards in hand as they wish, and may play any amount of mini cards in any order during their turn

Each turn a player may also play (but does not have to) a single circuit-board card at any point in their turn, any way up and in any orientation, as long as it connects to a corresponding edge of another card (i.e. longest edge to longest edge, etc - you get the gist).


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