Ginormopod 2050 A.D.: Attack of the Giant Bug Monsters (2022)

Ryan Heilman, Dave Shaw (II), Wil Alambre
Научная фантастика, Варгейм
Бросание кубиков, Из точки в точку, Испытай удачу
Время игры
45 — 60 мин
Количество игроков
1 — 2
Возраст игроков

Описание «Ginormopod 2050 A.D.: Attack of the Giant Bug Monsters»

The year is 2050. Thirty years of global warming have melted the polar ice caps and flooded the coastal areas of the World. As the waters started to rise, many of the coastal cities in America were abandoned. New York, Washington and New Orleans were saved and are now surrounded by enormous levies, virtual forts almost impenetrable to any attack. The Great Quake of 2032 destroyed the Western coast of the United States and it was after that year that the first monsters appeared.

In the rural areas of the west, humans spotted large mounds of dirt and unexplained tunnels. In cities of the west, large sinkholes formed destroying many buildings. Eventually, from the mounds, tunnel, and sinkholes emerged swarms of giant ants, bus sized spiders, slow moving worms the size of small buildings, and other mutated monsters. What was left of the west was devastated by these monsters as they attacked humans and destroyed cities. Initially thought to be unintelligent creatures, their coordinated movements and attacks revealed a semi-intelligence difficult to understand. Humans began to refer to them as Ginormopods.

While the Ginormopods managed to decimate and control the area west of the Mississippi, the Americans made a last desperate stand in 2043 along the Mississippi river eventually stopping them in their tracks. The cities of Chicago, St. Louis, Memphis, Jackson, and New Orleans were fortified and an immense and impenetrable ‘Fusion Fence’ was built between them. It has been calm and quiet for the last seven years with the Ginormopods and the Americans nervously eyeing each across the wide Mississippi.

Over the last several years, scientists at the CDC (Center for Disease Control) in Atlanta, the DOD (Department of Defense) in Washington and the newly formed SPI (Swarm Prevention Institute) in New York have worked on a biological agent to defeat the Ginormopods once and for all. At the end of the summer of 2050, the Americans are weeks away from completing the biological agent. Unfortunately, the Ginormopods have received word of the impending danger.

In Ginormopod 2050 A.D: Attack of the Giant Bug Monsters, one person plays the Ginormopods while the other person plays the Americans. The Ginormopods' goal is to destroy two of the following cities: New York, Washington, DC, and Atlanta thus stopping the Americans before they can complete the biological agent. If the Ginormopods can do so by August 30th, they win. If not, the Americans win.


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