Harry und die Hendersons. Harry dreht alles um! (1991)

Andreas Seyfarth
Детская, Поп-культура
Бросание кубиков, Память
Время игры
~20 мин
Количество игроков
2 — 4
Возраст игроков

Описание «Harry und die Hendersons. Harry dreht alles um!»

This game is based on the film "Harry and the Hendersons" from 1987.
Harry the Bigfoot who lives with the American familie Henderson makes chaos in the livingroom.
This means that all glases and furnitures (only the shelves are part of the game) are at unknown places in the room.
Content: Board, 4 figurs (characters of the familiy), 1 six sided special die (sides 1,1,2,2,3,1-3), 54 tiles (12 shelves, 13 Harrys, 29 glasses)
The aim of the players is to find more glasses than the other players and place them in a shelf.
At the begin all tiles are shuffled and placed face down on the board.
On players turn, he roles a die, moves his figure exact the shown number (1-3 he can choose) only counting the fields with tiles and turn over the tile where his figur is.
If this is a glases tile, this tole stays open and he has another turn. If the new tile is a shelf (could be already open from a previous turn) he can decide, if he wants to end his turn or continue. If he decides to end his turn, he gets all glases he has found in this turn.
If the new tile is Harry. Harry brakes all glasses, which means that all glasses tiles are flipped back.
It's also possible that the player cannot move because the number on the die does not match. Also in this case his turn is finished and all glasses are flipped back.
Game ends after 10 shelves are open and the actual player wants to end or if all 12 shelves are open.


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