MarginZ (1994)

Reiner Knizia
Сбор предметов, Рыночная спекуляция, Торговля
Количество игроков
2 — 4

Описание «MarginZ»

Margin is played using the 4-8 from two decks of standard cards (40 cards in total) and 20 counters each in four colors.

At the start of the game cards are drawn until there is one of each suit - these go on the table and a color of counters is assigned to each. All other cards are shuffled and each player gets a hand (of 12, 10, or 8 depending on player count). Each player also gets one counter of each color.

On a turn a player may trade, meaning they may turn in any number of counters and then take counters equal in value; the values are determined by the cards on the table. A player also must play a card, which will change the value of the associated color; this can be done before or after trading.

When all cards have been played the game is over. Players score a point for each counter and four more points for each set of all four colors.


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