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Время игры
30 — 300 мин
Количество игроков
2 — 10
Возраст игроков


The theme of this game is investment capitalism. Purchasing minor, major, or complete equity control in apartment housing regions and company sectors (i.e., airline services, legal and accounting services, and two different public services) will help a player win the game in multiple ways.

For example, a player with a designated sum of cash on hand and no loans or who owns two complete sets of equity control in an apartment housing region or company sector and no loans wins. Other winning methods involve parameters outlined in the ruleset and agreed on by players before the game starts (i.e., timed games or when players wish to stop playing).

First, players use a 12-Sided-Die to roll and move around spaces on the game board. Then they choose to buy or pass on investment opportunities. These choices affect their passive income (salary) and income from other players (penalties). Along the way, the owned investments grow, and players may collect additional revenue from drawn cards (one free set and one set that is not). Players may also collect cards that can get used in place of rolling the 12-Sided-Die.

Fear not the dilemma of non-trading players HODL'ing (holding on for dear life). A significant equity control (50%+) allows players to take over entire housing regions or company sectors by rolling the 12-Sided-Die higher than a competitor.

Please do not play it like Monopoly, or you may lose. So be the one who wins intelligently and earn the right to boast about your strategy (and luck).


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