Quest for the MacGlyphin (2022)

Pedro Pires
Приключения, Карточная, Распечатай и играй
Карты на руках, Соло, Сторителлинг
Время игры
~30 мин
Количество игроков
Возраст игроков

Описание «Quest for the MacGlyphin»

This game uses the Glyph deck to provide a path placement "quest" type of storytelling experience, with critical decisions being taken narratively and relying on the player's discretion rather than fixed mechanics.

During gameplay, the player will create a path from a starting card to an ending card, following simple path placement rules. Every new path carries with it a situation where the player must intervene in some way by matching minor suits from their reserve piles; the details and outcome are decided entirely at the player's discretion. Some cards will be discarded out of the game, while others will join the player's reserve for future use.

A companion piece to Travels in the Land of Glyph, and an attempt to use the same storytelling mechanics in a more game-y fashion, goal-oriented.


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