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Рыночная спекуляция, Бросание кубиков, Выбывание игрока
Время игры
60 — 120 мин
Количество игроков
2 — 6

Описание «Rendita»

The players roll two dice and combine the results of the roll into a two digit number (red = tens , black = ones). So red 1 and black 6 combines into 16. This would allow the player to buy commodity 16 if no one else has already done this. If another player already owns the commodity the player has to pay a fee. There are 3 different commodities: shops (black letters), restaurants (red letters) and a cinema (Filmpalast).

A player owning a shop may make further investments to increase the fees he gets from the other players if it's number is rolled again. The fees for restaurants are increased if a player owns 2 or 3 restaurants in adjacent buildings. Fees for the cinema are only payed if a player owns both halves (space 63 and 64). If a player owns only one half, another player may still buy the other half or even the half already in possession. When a player owns the whole cinema it is opened and the fees increase automatically every time it's number is rolled, without the player having to invest any money.

If a double is rolled, an event occurs that causes the player to lose or gain money.

The game ends after a fixed playing time or if all players but one go bankrupt. The last remaining player or the player with the most money and the most valuable commodities wins the game.

—user summary


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