Trading Places (1995)

Barbara Tobias, Ben Horton
Путешествия, Поп-культура
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Количество игроков
2 — 8

Описание «Trading Places»

Trading Places is a trivia game with a theme of traveling around the world attempting to complete business contracts. Money is awarded for this and the winner is the first player to accumulate a million pounds.

Movement is controlled by three dice which determine mode of travel (air, sea, etc.) and other details. While traveling players may answer "En Route" questions to continue. Entering cities requires answering more difficult "Visa Entry" questions and the "Contract Completion" questions are the most difficult.

Some travel spaces have limited capacity so players may have to answer "Challenge" questions to bump other players out.

The En Route and Challenge questions are general knowledge; the Visa Entry questions are more travel-oriented and the Contract Completion questions more business-oriented.


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