Cthulhu: Rise of the Cults
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Cthulhu: Rise of the Cults (2017)


In Cthulhu: Rise of the Cults, players impersonate cult leaders who are worshipping the Great Old Ones, while at the same time fighting other cults as unworthy of revealing and tasting the prohibited knowledge. It’s not an easy task when apart from submitting the acts of faith they must simultaneously carry out the perpetual fight against other cults and maintain maximum discretion around curious investigators and other organizations. Their activities focus on the constant quest for spreading influence as well as celebrating dark rituals which are meant to sow the seeds of insanity and uncertainty in people's minds so as to create the power ready for the advent of what is unnamed and lead to the collapse of the present system at the same time.

Cthulhu: Rise of the Cults

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