1825 Extension Kit G1: Supplementary Money

Francis Tresham
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Описание «1825 Extension Kit G1: Supplementary Money»

1825 Extension Kit G1: Supplementary Money is an expansion for the 1825 family of games. It contains paper money in the following denominations:

8 @ £25, 14 @ £200, 14 @ £500 (total value £10,000)

Ownership of at least one of 1825 Unit 1, 1825 Unit 2 or 1825 Unit 3 is required.

This expansion is most likely to be useful if you are playing a combination of one or more of the 1825 games listed above together with a selection of the 1825 expansions that add new companies and/or trains. The optimal bank size is generally considered to be larger when you add more companies and trains, and Extension Kit G1 adds more bank notes that allow you to increase the size of the bank above what is provided for in the base game(s).


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