1829 Conversion Kit (1981)

Francis Tresham
Рыночная спекуляция, Размещение тайлов
Время игры
~600 мин
Количество игроков
2 — 9
Возраст игроков

Описание «1829 Conversion Kit»

1829 Conversion Kits were published to allow owners of the 1829 Conversion Kit to play the other 18xx games without having to buy another complete game as many of the parts were common to both the Southern and the Northern games. As such, the Conversion Kits are not standalone games, but rather contains those parts unique to the other 1829 [Northern or Southern] - the board and the shares for the companies. A copy of 1829 Northern Board is required to use the 1829 Southern Conversion Kit or alternatively a Southern Board can be used with a Northern Conversion Kit.

The Conversion Kits can be differentiated from a full copy of 1829 by the presence of either a large sticker to the right of the 1829 name on the box stating "Conversion Kit. This is not a complete game." [Southern Conversion Kit] or a larger diagonal sticker across the front of the box [Northern and Southern Conversion Kits]. See pictures. The inevitable scars left after removal of either sticker is the largest sign that this is the Conversion Kit and not the full game. However, on the side of the box where the Number of Players and Playing Time is indicated, there is also a sticker covering the Serial Number [Southern Kit] or no number at all [both kits].


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