+6 Bag O' Munchkin Babes (2009)

Авторы ещё не указаны (добавить)
Карточная, Юмор
Бросание кубиков, Переменная сила игроков
Время игры
~90 мин
Количество игроков
3 — 6
Возраст игроков

Описание «+6 Bag O' Munchkin Babes »

Another Official Munchkin Plastic Bag! Extra bonus -- free Munchkins!

These six female Munchkin pawns are scheduled to appear in a 2010 Munchkin Quest supplement . . . but if you want them early, here they are! You get one in each of the six Munchkin Quest player colors. The obvious thing to do would be to throw them into your Munchkin Quest box along with the ones that came with the game, and use the correct pawn for whatever sex you character happens to be at that moment.

But if you are truly evil -- and your friends let you get away with it -- you'll show the world just what a munchkin you really are by using the Munchkin Babes in other games.

In Munchkin

Any time you are entitled to go up a level -- or when you do something that WOULD earn you a level if you weren't already Level 9 -- you may, instead, place a munchkin pawn in front of you. In any combat, you may discard it for a 1d6 bonus. You may only have one in front of you at a time. Unless, of course, you "lose" these rules and tell the other players that you're allowed to have more. Six is a good number.

In Other Games

Because you're a munchkin, you may claim a munchkin advantage for using these pawns in ANY game. For instance:

  • In any roll-and-move game, if you use the munchkin as your pawn rather than one that came with the game, then once per game you may add or subtract 1 space to the move you roll.
  • In any game in which you start with money, if you use the munchkin as your pawn you start with 10% extra. Round up, of course.
  • In chess, a munchkin pawn can move forward two spaces at any time.

If you create your own official rules for using the Munchkin pawn in other games, please share your rules with us at the Steve Jackson Games forums.


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