A Pleasant Journey to Neko: Whale Watching Mini-Expansion (2018)

Citie Lo
Карточная, Кубики, Экология
Аукцион, Бросание кубиков, Карты на руках
Время игры
45 — 90 мин
Количество игроков
2 — 4
Возраст игроков

Описание «A Pleasant Journey to Neko: Whale Watching Mini-Expansion»

The mini-expansion included 4 cards (plus a 5th card that contains a summary of the rules). Two of them used for 1st period and the remaining two used for 2nd period.


When setting up the game, reveal two 1st period Whale Watching cards and display them next to main board. When the next period begins, reveal two 2nd period Whale Watching cards and display them next to main board.


You can bid for those cards during Action Phase as well. Unlike other cards, the rules for resolving Whale Watching are changed as follow:

You still use dice to bid Whale Watching and the basic rule of bidding remains unchanged, but this time when you resolve the card, ignore the number of a dice. The more dice you use to bid the card than other player, you win the bid. If there is a tie, the player who has prior turn order wins the bid.


Whenever a ship passes through Whale Watching, you get the items that are shown on the card immediately.

Note: If you add advance cards in a game, you should resolve the card in bidding area and then resolve the advance card in order if any players bid them. Whale Watching will resolve in order very last.

-description from designer


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