A Song of Ice and Fief (fan expansion for Fief 1429) (2016)

Авторы ещё не указаны (добавить)
Категориии ещё не указаны (добавить)
Контроль территории, Аукцион, Бросание кубиков, Ролевая игра
Время игры
180 — 350 мин
Количество игроков
4 — 6
Возраст игроков

Описание «A Song of Ice and Fief (fan expansion for Fief 1429)»

A fan based mod of the Fief France 1429 game.

This mod changes the setting of the game from France to Westeros and includes new rules that attempt to simplify the original vanilla Fief rules.

In this game you will play as one of the 9 main houses in Westeros, each house has an special ability and a defined starting space in the map.

Each turn you will expand and try to gain more glory for your house by getting titles for your house either nobility titles such as a fief or the king or military titles such as guardian of the north, a small council position etc...

This version includes extra mechanics such as Seasons (Winter is indeed coming) which make natural disasters that appear every turn affect more areas, or the Wall mechanic which forces all the players to collaborate sending funds and troops to the wall to prevent the wildings and white walkers from ravaging westeros and then making all the players lose the game.

The cards mechanics from FIEF has been protected and enhanced making assasinations, betrayals, kings justice killings and kidnappings more prevalent through the game.

Players will also be able to build different structures with more variety than in the base game such as mills, septs, maester towers etc...

This mod has been done wihthout any intellectual property from either the Fief 1429 publishers or George RR Martin or any other third party who owns or may own the Song of Ice and Fief series IP.

This game is freely downloadable as Print and Play :
All PnP assets: http://www.mediafire.com/download/qtl7eddl4q2aej7/A_song_of_Ice_and_Fief_PnPv2.rar

A PDF of the rules in English: http://www.mediafire.com/download/whav330t53pdnda/A_song_of_ice_and_fief_english_rulebook_v04.pdf

A PDF of the rules in French: https://www.dropbox.com/s/z3q7h9nztr862hl/Trone_de_fief.pdf?dl=0

A printer studio card set: http://www.printerstudio.com/design/dn_show_parse.aspx?producttype=772E45C74E337CF36906FDBEFF230590&flow=868A4695A58AE09DFCB8D0AE100A93FF163EC7F6C8151841&id=5C0281D46639765F356BE34168854B028CE8392DAA7C044CADD83CDD5F0AC72C7A9EE6AD3C2A2744&projecttype=EFAE81EBDA27CF77EB9E00D7A1ACC4D5&projectfrom=EFAE81EBDA27CF77EB9E00D7A1ACC4D5&orderNo=&sellID=&ssid=49CEFF8DFE9D4622B41BFA6460445337


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