Anima Tactics: Light Faction Starter (2009)

Авторы ещё не указаны (добавить)
Фэнтези, Сражения, Миниатюры
Очки действий, Бросание кубиков
Время игры
~60 мин
Количество игроков
Возраст игроков

Описание «Anima Tactics: Light Faction Starter»

Publisher Blurb:

Bound together by their ideology and the calling in their soul, Sister Evangeline and Kronen Roxxon work tirelessly to fight the awakening darkness.

Sister Evangeline:

From the moment of her birth, Evangeline was blessed and dammed with special abilities which made her different from other people. Now, under the severe supervision of the church, she has developed her mystical powers to serve the 13 bishop.

Mystic - Light Church - Level 50

Holy Armor (Magic, Effect) - One target friendly unit gains Lv2 Shield.

Blessing (Magic, Effect ) - All friendly units inside Evangeline's Control Zone gain +1 to Attack and Defense. Upkeep: o

Vision (Magic, Effect) - Detect any hidden unit inside Evangeline's Control Zone.

Healing (Magic, Effect) - Heal 5 Life Points of a friendly unit inside Evangeline's Control Zone.

Kronen Roxxon:

As one of the high knights of the empire, Kronen is an impressive warrior with outstanding combat skills. Wearing heavy full plate armor and a gigantic sword that only he can wield, he is an indomitable force.

Warrior - Light Empire - Level 40

Scarlet Heartbeat (Ki, Counter) - Special Counter. If you achieve a successful Dodge, the counter gains +4 Attack / +2 Damage.

Both pewter figures are unpainted and unassembled.


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