Apex Theropod Deck-Building Game: Quetzalcoatlus & Sarcosuchus Expansion Cards (2016)

Herschel Hoffmeyer
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Описание «Apex Theropod Deck-Building Game: Quetzalcoatlus & Sarcosuchus Expansion Cards»

The Exotic Predators Expansion Deck released with the ATDG Collected Edition Kickstarter (2020) is playable with the rest of the Collected Edition as is with no changes.

Quetzalcoatlus is a very specialized predator relying heavily on critical ambushes or swarming the skies with Drones and the Commander. Planning ahead is a requirement for this Apex to stand a chance against bigger predators.

  • Apex Deck Difficulty : Brutal
Sarcosuchus is a nasty, strictly-ambush predator. Ambushing is an absolute must along with hoarding every bit of food to expand your species. Ambush, hibernate, and grow is the key with this Apex.
  • Apex Deck Difficulty : Brutal

The Exotic Predators Add-on Expansion Cards released with the second Kickstarter (2016) included additional cards and Alphas for the Quetzalcoatlus & Sarcosuchus decks that were part of the Limited Edition (1st) Kickstarter and could not be used without the decks from the Limited Edition. It allows you to use the cards from the first game together with those from the expansion, to bring the total number and types of cards in the two species deck up to the same as all the other species in the 2nd edition game.


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