Armies of Oblivion: ASL Module 12 (2006)

Pete Shelling, Paul Kenny, Brian Martuzas
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Описание «Armies of Oblivion: ASL Module 12»

Armies of Oblivion is the long-awaited module adding the Axis Minors (Romanian, Hungarian, Bulgarian, Slovakian, Croatian) order of battle to the Advanced Squad Leader tactical game system.
NOTE: Finns are in Beyond Valor: ASL Module 1 and Hakkaa Päälle!: ASL Module 14.


  • 4 8"x22" geomorphic mapboards 48, 49, 50, 51 [all editions]
  • Overlays Hi8-Hi12, Rv1, Wd12, Wd34 [all editions]
  • Overlays Hi2, Hi5, OG1, P1, RR1, RR2, RR4-6, RR14, X12 [2nd edition only]
  • 6 Counter sheets [all editions - each edition has different countersheets - see images]
  • ASL Scenarios 27-34 [2nd edition only], 111-121 [all editions], 122, 219-230 [2nd edition only]
  • Axis Minor Chapter H pages (H143-H170) [all editions]
  • Errata pages A51-A62; D21-D26; S27-S34 (Note that pages A51-A62 and D23-D26 were updated in Hakkaa Päälle!; these updated pages are also included in the 2018 edition) [all editions]
  • 2 Axis Minor SASL Cards (Generation and Random Event) [all editions]

Scenario List:

[all editions]:
111 Balkan Sideshow, Szenttanas, Yugoslavia, 1941
112 Out of Cowardice, Senta, Yugoslavia, 1941
113 Liberating Bessarabia, Branzeni, Bessarabia, 1941
114 Cautious Crusaders, Lipovic, Ukraine 1941
115 Huns of Steel, Uriv, Russia, 1942
116 The Sixth Blow, Skopce, Poland, 1944
117 With Tigers On Their Tail, Saturnia, Galicia, 1944
118 Downsizing the Uprising, Vrutky, Slovakia, 1944
119 Ancient Feud, Cluj, Transylvania, 1944
120 Return to Sender, Nish, Serbia, 1944
121 End Station Budapest, Budapest, Hungary, 1945

[2nd edition only]:
- Originally Published in PARTISAN!:
27 The Liberation of Tulle
28 Ambush!
29 The Globus Raid
30 Sylvan Death
31 The Old Town
32 Subterranean Quarry
33 The Cossacks Are Coming
34 A New Kind of Foe

- Originally Published in ASL ANNUALS, ASL JOURNALS, or ACTION PACKS:
122 Extracurricular Activity
219 Blood Enemies
220 They Fired on Odessa...
221 Mountain Hunters
222 Bloody Nose
223 Reaping Rewards
224 Beachhead at Ozereyka Bay
225 Paole Zion
226 Operation Schwarz
227 Danica Air
228 Break for Hungary
229 Retrained and Rearmed
230 Prelude to Dying

(from MMP's website and user's description)


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