Ausonia: Remnants of War (2020)

Авторы ещё не указаны (добавить)
Построение колоды/мешка/движка, Карты на руках
Время игры
~30 мин
Количество игроков
1 — 4
Возраст игроков

Описание «Ausonia: Remnants of War»

In Remnants of War the Base Game is enhanced by 3 new guilds, Defense, Infiltration and Event cards.

3 New Guilds:
3 new Guilds are joining the fray with their unique keywords and mechanics: knights ready for war, city guards protecting the streets, and the holy clergy.

Defense and Infiltration Cards:
With the Guards guild DEFENSE cards enter the game to protect against negative effects, and the Soldiers guild brings INFILTRATION cards to temporarily weaken your opponent's deck.

Event Cards:
If you feel you have figured out the game and all its mechanics, it's time to raise the stakes with Event Cards. You can never know what calamity or lucky incident will hit the conflicting rulers of Ausonia.

3 Additional Guilds (30 Cards)
6 Defense Cards
15 Infiltrate Cards
26 Event Cards
1 Rulebook


И другие бонусы.

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