Avalon Hill Game Company's Game of Trivia (1981)

Bruce Shelley
Вечеринка, Поп-культура
Механики ещё не указаны (добавить)
Время игры
~120 мин
Количество игроков
2 — 6
Возраст игроков

Описание «Avalon Hill Game Company's Game of Trivia»

The object of the Avalon Hill Game Company's Game of TRIVIA is to be the first player to answer enough questions to earn a Bachelor's Degree in Trivia. Players start as Freshmen and advance through the rank of Sophomore, Junior, and Senior by correctly answering questions, with each advance in class opening up new paths on the gameboard. Halfway through their journey, players select a "major" and "minor" from one of six different "schools" (categories) covering Communications, Science/Technology, Social Sciences, Fine Arts, Health/PhysEd, and the Student Union. The game ends with a "final exam" consisting of questions from the leading player's major and minor.

The game's questions tend to come from more specialized and esoteric categories than its contemporaries. Though a mere 18 questions answered correctly will win the game, players who were not alive during the Depression will find this game lasting well beyond the two-hour mark.


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