Bakugan Battle Brawlers Skill & Action Game (2008)

Luke Peterschmidt
Ловкость, Детская, Фэнтези, Поп-культура
Механики ещё не указаны (добавить)
Время игры
~30 мин
Количество игроков
2 — 4
Возраст игроков

Описание «Bakugan Battle Brawlers Skill & Action Game»

Description: You and your opponents become the ultimate Battle Brawlers and must save the Bakugan that are trapped in Vestroia!

Release the Rods that trap them, and catch them as the plummet down to Earth!

Catch as many Bakugan Balls with the gaming scoops, be the first player to build your Gate Card puzzle and win!

Warning! Beware of Hydranoid.

Object of the Game: Be the first player to catch enough Bakugan Balls(Marbles) to complete your Gate Card Puzzle, 4 pieces.

Play Summary: One Player pull a rods out of Vestroia (the tower) which will release Bakugan Balls (Marbles). The players whose turn it is try to catch these Bakugan Balls with the two game scoops, if he catches the ball before it stops rolling the player gets a Puzzle piece for his Gate card puzzle. One of the Balls is the evil Hydranoid (the black marble), if you catch the Hydranoid you lose a gate piece. Scoops are passed clock wise and play continues until one of the players wins. When all size Marbles are released from the tower return all the rods and marbles and continue playing until you have a winner.

Not the CCG/CMG (Collectible Marble Game?) but a stand alone board game with a very similar title and theme.


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