Battle for Moscow Expansion Kit (2011)

Frank Chadwick, Lance McMillan
Категориии ещё не указаны (добавить)
Механики ещё не указаны (добавить)
Время игры
~50 мин
Количество игроков
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Описание «Battle for Moscow Expansion Kit»

Operation Typhoon was the final attack the Germans launched at the end of 1941, in a desperate attempt to capture Moscow. When their offense ground to a halt, the Germans assumed the Soviets had run out of reserves – but they were wrong.

This expansion kit for Battle for Moscow: Operation Typhoon, 1941 allows players to extend the original, solitaire BattlessonTM game to early March, 1942, when the Spring thaw turned the countryside into a quagmire and brought the Soviet winter offensive to an end.

Note: This Expansion Kit is not a ‘stand alone’ game. You must own a copy of Battle for Moscow: Operation Typhoon, 1941 to use it.

Game Data:

Number of Players: 2
Ages: 12 and up
Playing Time: approximately 50 minutes
Complexity: 2 on a 9 scale
Solitaire Suitability: 8 on a 9 scale
Scale: Each unit is one German corps or Russian army, and each turn is approximately one to two weeks.

Game Components:

• Eight 5/8" square pieces
• 1 Player aid mat overlay/extension
• 1 plastic High Tide token
• 1 Set Up map / Designer's Notes by Frank Chadwick
• 1 Rules sheet


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