BattleTech Alpha Strike: Fire Lance Pack (2015)

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Описание «BattleTech Alpha Strike: Fire Lance Pack»


The Fire Lance Pack is a collection of four plastic miniatures for use in the classic BattleTech tabletop and Alpha Strike games. The box also provides eight dry-erase cards, six of which are intended to directly support Alpha Strike gameplay.

From the back cover:

Armed with a blistering array of long-range weaponry, fire lance MechWarriors are expert marksmen that bring over-matched firepower to any conflict. Whether with PPCs, lasers or missiles, they bring the pain to smash any assault...

Unleash the Fire Lance Pack on your enemies! Shogun, Trebuchet, Dervish and Stalker BattleMechs—no assembly required. Perfect for BattleTech and Alpha Strike heavy metal action!”


Four plastic miniatures
- Dervish
- Shogun
- Stalker
- Trebuchet

Eight dry-erase cards (dual-sided)
Alpha Strike
DV-6M Dervish /DV-7D Dervish
IMP-2E Imp / C Imp
SHG-2E Shogun / SHG-2F Shogun
STK-3F Stalker / STK-5M Stalker
J. Elliot Jamison Stalker / Stalker Jamison (profile)
TBT-5N Trebuchet / TBT-7M Trebuchet

Wolf's Dragoons - Mercenary / Zeta Battalion
Fire Lance /More from Catalyst Game Labs!
This last card's "B" side describes Alpha Strike Companion, Technical Readout: 3039, Technical Readout: 3050 Upgrade, and the Imp bonus card (highlighting the pewter miniature available from Iron Wind Metals), with the product code for each.


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