BattleTech Field Manual: Free World's League (1997)

Bryan Nystul, Chris Hartford
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Бросание кубиков
Время игры
~120 мин
Количество игроков
2 — 6

Описание «BattleTech Field Manual: Free World's League»

From the back of the book:

Spared from the ravages of the Clan invasion, the Free Worlds League flourished as an arms supplier to the embattled legions of the Inner Sphere. Captain-General Thomas Marik patiently guided the Free Worlds League Military through a long-overdue reformation as the troops of his Great House rivals battled the invaders. Bolstered by the League's powerful military-industrial complex, the FWLM now stands as one of the largest and best-equipped forces in the Inner Sphere.

This classified field manual, seized from the League's intelligence organization, reveals the inner workings of the FWLM, from the humble Marik Militia to the elite Knights of the Inner Sphere.

An invaluable resource for both allies and enemies of the League, the BattleTech Field Manual: Free Worlds League provides a complete survey of House Marik's military. The manual includes dossiers that describe the history, officers and tactics of all FWLM BattleMech regiments; special rules that reflect the unique capabilities of each regiment; new weapons, equipment, exclusive FWLM BattleMechs and more.

User comment:

The first sourcebook dedicated to the Free Worlds League since the publication of the House Marik: Free Worlds League sourcebook ten years earlier, the Free World's League field manual has less by way of background and fluff, nad more by way of rules and units. In addition to updating the location, dispostion and strength of all of the major military and mercenary 'Mech units in service with the League, this field manual adds some new 'Mech variants and a new Free Worlds League OmniMech, as well as detailing new Warship units built or in development and a number of new advanced weapon systems for BattleTech.


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