BattleTech Field Manual: Warden Clans (1999)

Randall N. Bills, Loren Coleman, Bryan Nystul, Chris Hartford, Chris Trossen, Hugh Browne, Patrick Kirkland, Michael Koennecke
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Бросание кубиков
Время игры
~120 мин
Количество игроков
2 — 6

Описание «BattleTech Field Manual: Warden Clans»

From the publisher's website:

Nearly three hundred years ago, the Star League was torn apart when the ambitious House Lords launched the Inner Sphere into endless war. The Great Father Aleksandr Kerensky led our forefathers, the remnants of the noble Star League army, away from that empty conflict. In turn, his son Nicholas forged us into the Clans: a society founded on unity, strength and skill. With each generation we evolved, awaiting the day when we would return to the Inner Sphere to save it from itself.

Now is the time of the Return. Some among the Clans insist that conquest of the Inner Sphere is the only Way, but we know that this path will only lead us into the chaos of the past. Our true mission is far more noble: we must act as the Wardens of the Inner Sphere until the time is right and humanity is truly reunited. Only then will the true Star League have returned to the Inner Sphere.

-- Ulric Kerensky, ilKhan of the Clans

The second of two volumes on the Clans, Field Manual: Warden Clans describes the Defenders of Kerensky's Vision: Clans Cloud Cobra, Coyote, Diamond Shark, Ghost Bear, Goliath Scorpion, Snow Raven and Steel Viper. This book describes the tactics, military doctrines and battle histories of each Clan, plus special rules that reflect the unique capabilities of each Galaxy, new weapons, equipment, exclusive Warden BattleMechs and more.

User comment:

Following up on earlier sourcebooks devoted to the Clans, this gives detail on all of those Clans identified as Warden Clans at the time of printing. Some of the Clans receive more attention than others, depending on how much detail was already in print via previous books. Along with the background detail on the Clans, the expansion also details new Battle Armour variants, a new OmniMech, a new weapon system and new Warships are all introduced in this expansion, although these items have largely been reprinted in later sourcebooks.

This book is a companion volume to the BattleTech Field Manual: Crusader Clans, and is currently out of print. The current license holder hasn't published this book as an electronic download as yet.


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