BattleTech: Jade Falcon Sourcebook (1992)

Sam Lewis, Mike Nystul, Boy F. Peterson, Jr.
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Время игры
~120 мин
Количество игроков
2 — 6

Описание «BattleTech: Jade Falcon Sourcebook»

From the back of the book:

"From the unknown regions of the Periphery, they came to conquer.

When they first arrived in the Federated Commonwealth, no one knew who these mysterious invaders were. Soon, Clan Jade Falcon became a name to be feared. They seemed completely unstoppable. They piloted strange new 'Mechs. Their armored infantry, nicknamed "Toads" by their stunned opponents, were unlike anything seen before. They nearly killed the heir to the throne.

This ComStar document details the history and development of Clan Jade Falcon from their beginnings in the chaos of the Exodus Civil War to the battlefields of Tukayyid. Contains a complete roster of the invading Jade Falcon forces, along with personality profiles of prominent officers."

User comment:

Providing a counterpoint to the BattleTech: Wolf Clan sourcebook, the Jade Falcon sourcebook gives a crusader-faction viewpoint on some events before delving into the Jade Falcon part in the invasion of the Inner Sphere. Largely useful for background reference in use in MechWarrior, or in forming campaign scnearios for BattleTech/BattleForce. It also provided profiles for four new BattleMechs - the Baboon, Hellhound, Kraken and Vixen, which were reprinted in the BattleTech Technical Readout: 3055 Upgrade a decade later.


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