BattleTech Starter: Fist and Falcon (2011)

Jason Schmetzer
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Бросание кубиков, Ролевая игра, Переменная сила игроков
Время игры
~120 мин
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Описание «BattleTech Starter: Fist and Falcon»

"BattleTech Starter: Fist and Falcon brings players a new and exciting way to jump into the BattleTech universe. As conflict erupts anew on the Lyran-Falcon border during the early years of the Jihad, two untested commands clash. Including the brief history and personal dossiers of the members of these two forces, this PDF provides scenarios and special rules compatible with BattleTech games using Total Warfare and A Time of War, complete with record sheets for their ’Mechs and characters alike."
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BattleTech Starter: Fist and Falcon presents a short campaign of linked missions for BattleTech. One player plays the Kewran Wolfhounds, a company from the Lyran Alliance, while the other plays the Pursuing Peregrines, a binary from the Jade Falcons. The player forces largely match up with the two packages of BattleForce-scale miniatures to be released by Iron Wind Metals in mid-2011.

Unlike BattleTech Starterbook: Sword and Dragon or BattleTech Starterbooks: Wolf and Blake, this product is a linear campaign. This product does not use the Chaos Campaign rules or missions from other books - it only requires Total Warfare to play.


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