BattleTech: The Falcon and the Wolf (1995)

Bryan Nystul, Rodney Knox
Категориии ещё не указаны (добавить)
Бросание кубиков
Время игры
~120 мин
Количество игроков
2 — 6

Описание «BattleTech: The Falcon and the Wolf»

From the back of the book:

For years, the bitter rivalry between the warriors of the Wolf Clan and the Jade Falcons simmered. Then in June of 3057, growing political tensions among the fearsome invaders erupted in a bloody war of attrition. From the mountains of Colmar to the icy wastelands of Morges, the armies of these ancient enemies clashed in a dramatic duel to the death.

The Falcon and the Wolf is a BattleTech scenario pack that describes the epic Trial of Refusal between the Wolf and Jade Falcon Clans described in the BattleTech novel Bred for War. Filled with historical notes and personal accounts of the Trial, game scenarios, and special Clan rules, The Falcon and the Wolf provides everything the BattleTech player needs to recreate the battles of this major intraClan conflict.

User comment:

Although there are only 12 scenarios in this scenario pack, it was the first strictly Clan vs Clan scenario pack produced by FASA. While it doesn't add any new equipment or 'Mechs to the game, it does function as an update on the strengths and locations of the various units from the two Clans, which adds some utility to this sourcebook beyond the scenarios themselves.

This scenario pack is currently out of print, and isn't available from the current licence holder.


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