Battletech: The Fourth Succession War Scenarios Volume One (1989)

Jordan Weisman, Boy F. Peterson, Jr., Blaine Pardoe, Michael B. Lee, James Long
Категориии ещё не указаны (добавить)
Бросание кубиков
Время игры
~120 мин
Количество игроков
2 — 6

Описание «Battletech: The Fourth Succession War Scenarios Volume One»

From the publisher's guide:;

"Armies of BattleMechs stride toward their objectives, razing cities with their missiles, lasers, PPCs, and autocannons on the way. The language of battle is blood, and the cries of the homeless echo in the troubled sleep of every MechWarrior.

Torn from the pages of the Fourth Succession War, this scenario pack contains battles from the Davion/Liao front, the Steiner/Kurita front, as well as a series of engagements between Wolf's Dragoons and their former employer, the Draconis Combine, in their private war with the Dragon.

See how the Federated Suns bites pieces out of the Capellan Confederation, how some Lyran/Draconis battles could have gone either way, and how an elite mercenary unit takes on everything Takashi Kurita can throw at it. Command groups of regiments in climactic engagements or play the role of a commando on a secret and sensitive mission.

Put yourself to the test in 16 BattleTech, 3 BattleForce, and 2 MechWarrior scenarios from the Fourth Succession War."

User comment:

This scenario pack wasn't reprinted by FanPro, and doesn't appear to be on the list of possible reprints from Catalyst Game Labs as at Jan 11, making it difficult to find. Unlike the later BattlePack: Fourth Succession War, the scenarios are drawn predominantly from the BattleTech gamebooks and expansions, rather than the series of novels that covered the Fourth Succession War.

Despite having "Volume One" in the title, there doesn't seem to have ever been a Volume Two.


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