Battletech: Touring the Stars – Kerensky's Vision (2022)

Ray Arrastia, David Allen Kerber
Книга, Научная фантастика
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Описание «Battletech: Touring the Stars – Kerensky's Vision»

Once known as Qualip, during the first Star League the unfortunate world became a cautionary tale of botched terraforming and human ignorance as entire continents became locked in ecological warfare even before Combine nukes fell in the Succession Wars. When the Clans invaded, ilKhan Ulric Kerensky saw in abandoned Qualip a chance to implement Nicholas Kerensky's vision for the Inner Sphere and the Clans, and the rechristened Kerensky's Vision became that chance. Setting Clan science to restore a paradise world lost to war created a planet unique in the occupation zone. On Kerensky's Vision, Clan and Inner Sphere merchants compete, while others smuggle, spy, and even steal in the packed enclaves of the capital. Here, anything can be bought, for a price.

Touring the Stars volumes consist of a color cover depicting an orbital view of the subject planet, a short history section, a small number of RPG tracks tailored to the planet, a rules annex detailing optional rules for games and scenarios set on the planet, a color world map and a hexed Battleforce 2 map. Each volume averages between 15 and 19 pages in total.


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