Battletech: Touring the Stars – Rocky (2022)

Ray Arrastia, David Allen Kerber
Книга, Научная фантастика
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Описание «Battletech: Touring the Stars – Rocky»

Once a cool, but beautiful world, rich in natural resources, Rocky led a charmed existence as one of the first planets colonized by humankind. As a paradise settled by some of Terra's wealthiest citizens, its people wanted for little, and strife was rare for centuries. But like the Hegemony it belonged to, Rocky fell to the darkness of the Amaris years, and saw its killing blows come in the form of a rare battle between Houses Steiner and Davion at the dawn of the Succession Wars. Now little more than another ruined casualty of human avarice, Rocky is little remembered by the Inner Sphere at large"”save for the rumors of stolen treasures of the Star League, lost beneath its frozen wastes.

Touring the Stars volumes consist of a color cover depicting an orbital view of the subject planet, a short history section, a small number of RPG tracks tailored to the planet, a rules annex detailing optional rules for games and scenarios set on the planet, a color world map and a hexed Battleforce 2 map. Each volume averages between 15 and 19 pages in total.


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