Bears vs Babies: Exclusive Backer Card (2017)

Авторы ещё не указаны (добавить)
Животные, Карточная, Комиксы
Механики ещё не указаны (добавить)
Время игры
15 — 20 мин
Количество игроков
2 — 6

Описание «Bears vs Babies: Exclusive Backer Card»

You are so marvelous.
If I could, I would give you 5 stars.
I would grind you up
into a paste.
I would put that paste on a hoagie
and take slow, thoughtful bites.
I would relish you
as a submarine sandwich.
Because you're great
and you backed our Kickstarter.
You made our game a reality.
Thank you
-Bears vs Babies

P.S. Inside this sleeve is your very own Exclusive Backer Card. You can use it in place of the Bear Heads in the game, or use it to add an extra player.


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