Beyond Boardwalk and Park Place (1986)

Noel Gunther, Richard Hutton
Аукцион, Бросание кубиков, Делай и двигай, Сбор предметов, Торговля
Время игры
~90 мин
Количество игроков
2 — 8
Возраст игроков

Описание «Beyond Boardwalk and Park Place»

Beyond Boardwalk and Park Place is an unauthorized variant of Monopoly. Published in the form of a trade paperback, it is designed to address what its authors describe as three problems with the game:

  1. It takes too long.
  2. There's too much luck.
  3. There's too much dead time.

They go about this by making eleven changes to the rules of the game. The boldest of these are that the price to purchase a property landed on is doubled, and that a property may not be mortgaged but can instead be sold back to the bank for its "mortgage value." The game is changed immensely - it is no longer advisable (or even possible) for a player to buy outright every property landed on, and properties frequently go up for public or private auction.

In effect, this variant forces the players to make more difficult decisions, reducing the game's luck factor in favor of more emphasis on bidding and negotiation.


  • Monopoly


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