BGO Extended 2.0 expansion (fan expansion for Through the Ages) (2010)

Авторы ещё не указаны (добавить)
Очки действий, Драфт карт
Время игры
~240 мин
Количество игроков
2 — 4
Возраст игроков

Описание «BGO Extended 2.0 expansion (fan expansion for Through the Ages)»

Fan made expansion used on Boardgaming online (called Extended 2.0 variant there).

It consists of 8 new leaders (2 for each age), 8 new wonders (2 for each age) and some other minor changes (see below). At the beginning of the game new leaders and wonders (for each age) are mixed with that of the base game and a set of 4 (per age) is selected at random (so number of cards that will be used in game does not change). This way each game offers slightly different cards set. There is an option to make selected cards visible (so players know which leaders and wonders will be in the game) or hidden (so until they are drawn from civil deck they are not known).

  • Leaders
    • Age A
      • Confucius, "Each of your temples produces 1 science. [? science]"
      • Ramesses II, "Increase effect of yellow cards by 1 (more resources, food, science and culture points, increased discounts but no additional military action)."
    • Age I
      • Charlemagne, "Once per turn, you can do one of the followings without a civil action: Discover an urban building technology for 1 science less. | Build/upgrade an urban building for 1 resource less."
      • Marco Polo, "Up to 2 of your colonies produce 1 resources during the production phase. They are not considered as mines for any event matter."
    • Age II
      • James Watt, "It costs you 2 science less to discover farm and mine techs. Level I mines/farms cost 1 resource less. Level II mines/farms cost 2 less. Level III mines/farms cost 3 less."
      • Thomas Jefferson, "Special techs cost you less science equal to their level. Your government produces culture equal to its level. [? culture]"
    • Age III
      • Pierre de Coubertin, "Each of your arenas produces extra culture equal to its level. However, your arenas no longer increase your civilization's strength. [? culture][? strength]"
      • Thomas Cook, "Each of your wonders produce 1 extra culture. [1 culture][1 happy face]"
  • Wonders
    • Age A
      • Colosseum, Costs: 1;2;3, "[+1 military action][1 happy face]"
      • Parthenon, Costs: 2;4, "Each of your temples produce 1 extra culture. [1 culture]"
    • Age I
      • Angkor Wat, Costs: 2;3;4, "[2 culture][1 happy face][1 science]"
      • Forbidden City, Costs: 1;3;5, "Consumption is reduced by 1. [1 civil action][2 blue tokens]"
    • Age II
      • Harvard College, Costs: 3;3;3;3, "[2 culture][3 science]"
      • Statue of Liberty, Costs: 6;6, "[3 yellow tokens]"
    • Age III
      • Manhattan Project, Costs: 8;8, "Any war against your civilization is cancelled. No one can declare war on your civilization."
      • Olympic Games, Costs: 3;3;4;5, "Immediately score 2 culture per level of each of your libraries and arenas."
  • Tactics
    • Age II
      • Hussars (1), "[cav][cav][art] 7" (this card comes from Cywilizacja: Poprzez wieki – Polski dodatek 1)
  • Changes of existing cards
    • Hammurabi, "[+1 civil action]" (no longer takes 1 military action away)
    • Johann Sebastian Bach, "Theater techs cost 2 less science to discover. Theater cost 2 resources less to build/upgrade." (both effects improved from 1 to 2)
    • Kremlin, Costs: 4;4;4, "You gain 1 civil action and 1 military action. [+1 civil action][+1 military action][3 culture][1 sad face]" (gives only 1 sad face instead of 2)
    • Elvis Presley, renamed to Charles Chaplin
    • Napoleonic Army, "[inf][cav][art] 9/5" (strength increased from 8/4 to 9/5)
    • Classic Army, "[inf][inf][cav][cav] 8/4" (strength decreased from 9/5 to 8/4)


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