Big Monster: Promo Monster (2019)

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Драфт карт
Время игры
20 — 30 мин
Количество игроков
2 — 6
Возраст игроков

Описание «Big Monster: Promo Monster»

A promo monster tile handed out after playing or purchasing the base game at Spiel 2019 in Essen.

The rules where described as follows (from memory):

Place the monster tile like any other tile after drafting.

Right before the normal scoring takes place (but after assigning medals), this monster tile can "eat" adjacent monster tiles by jumping on top of them. For this to work the monster tile to be eaten has to be adjacent to this monster (via small or large side) and needs to be fully covered after jumping onto it. Normal building rules apply here, so it is not allowed to create isles of non-connected tiles this way. The eaten monster is removed from the player area and not considered for regular scoring. This eating process can be repeated as long as the covering jump action can be performed as stated or until the player decides to not eat anymore monsters. Each tile eaten this was is scored with 4 points.


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