BIOS: Origins (2012)

Phil Eklund
Животные, Цивилизации, Экология
Поле для перемещения, Аукцион, Драфт карт, Из точки в точку, Переменная сила игроков
Время игры
~300 мин
Количество игроков
1 — 5

Описание «BIOS: Origins»

BIOS: Origins is an expansion for BIOS: Megafauna and Origins: How we became human, which combines both games to make something distinct from either.

From the publisher: "Use the map to expand your Bios Megafauna game to cover the entire world (instead of just America). Or use it to add luxuries (tobacco, silk, tourists, tea, diamonds, and much more) to your Origins game. Or use it for a rollicking combined game, with flying and mole-like humans, able to domesticate new "sushi" aquaculture or ride killer whales into battle."


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