Blood Bowl (2016 Edition): Chaos Chosen Team Card Pack (2018)

Jervis Johnson
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Время игры
45 — 120 мин
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Описание «Blood Bowl (2016 Edition): Chaos Chosen Team Card Pack»

This is a pack of 44 handy reference cards for a Chaos Chosen Blood Bowl team, along with blank cards allowing every coach to create their own players! Contained in the pack:

  • Reference cards for Beastman Runner, Chosen Blocker, Minotaur, Chaos Spawn, and Frog;
  • Reference cards for the following Star Players: Lord Borak the Despoiler, Grashnak Blackhoof, Lewdgrip Whiparm, Max Spleenripper, Bilerot Vomitflesh, Withergrasp Doubledrool, Scyla Anfingrimm, Gobbler Grimlich, Morg 'n' Thorg, Guffle Pusmaw;
  • The following blank cards that you can use to create your own players: 12 Beastman Runners, 6 Chosen Blockers and 2 Minotaurs;
  • A team roster card, with match record on the reverse;
The following 7 Special Play cards: Daemonic Ectoplasm, Whispered Secrets, Hand of God, Helm of Many Eyes, Sweatband of Everlasting Conquest, Over Familiar, Athletic Cup of Damnation;
  • The most important card: a card explaining how to use the other cards.


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