Bootleggers: Thug Promo (2013)

Don Beyer, Ray Eifler, Steve Gross
Категориии ещё не указаны (добавить)
Механики ещё не указаны (добавить)
Время игры
~120 мин
Количество игроков
2 — 6
Возраст игроков

Описание «Bootleggers: Thug Promo»

This 8-card mini expansion for Bootleggers was originally released in 2013 in connection with the Mayday Games re-release of the game. It is a set of Thugs to be added to the game, and consists of the following cards:

Honorary Mayor - Collect all the graft normally paid to the bank this turn.
Potent Mash - Roll an extra die of production at a single still. May affect Copper's placement of enforcement.
Payroll Tax - Force a player to pay $1G per influence marker he controls.
County Line - Play on a loaded truck. Crates fall off the truck during a chase. Discard half the loaded crates (rounded up) from the truck.
Army Buddy - Play when an opponent plays an influence card. Receive the same influence.
You Got the Wrong Guy, See - Redirect the target of a Men of Action card to another player (but not the player of the card).
Friends in High Places - Reroll a single die of your choice, discard after use. The die need not be your own.
I Gots an Idear - Play on a truck. A trailer is permanently added to the truck which expands its capacity by 2 crates.


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