Bottom of the 9th: Unity (2015)

Darrell Louder, Mike Mullins
Бросание кубиков, Испытай удачу, Имитация событий, Переменная сила игроков
Время игры
5 — 15 мин
Количество игроков
1 — 2
Возраст игроков

Описание «Bottom of the 9th: Unity»

Unity is a promo card for Bottom of the 9th and was offered by Foam Brain Games at Gen Con 2015 in a vending machine at the Asmadi Games booth for 75 cents.

Unity, listed on the card as one of the Sentinels of the Ninth, is one of the heroes of the Sentinels of the Multiverse. She is a rookie, switch-hitting utility player. She has the Calling Mr. Chomps ability, allowing her to put Mr. Chomps into play to use his ability.

Unity can make a bot to bat for her, but she does use an augmented bat.


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