Bron Pancerna (2020)

Michael Bennighof, Susan Robinson
Варгейм, Военные
Механики ещё не указаны (добавить)

Описание «Bron Pancerna»

This is an expansion booklet for The Deluge, 1940: The Fall France, and Fire in the Steppe (all three needed to play).

We look at the tanks that the Poles tried to acquire or produce before the German invasion. Polish industry wasn’t capable of putting the new tanks into series production in time, and the Poles failed in their quest to purchase the Somua S35.

That’s not the case in Bron Pancerni. The Poles get their S35’s, and they also get the 25TP medium tank with a long-barreled 75mm gun, the 14TP cavalry tank with a long-barreled 47mm gun, and the 10TP and 9TP light tanks: the armor you need to stomp the szkopy.

These are very good tanks for 1939; they’re still pretty good in 1941, too. You get 24 new die-cut and silky-smooth playing pieces and new scenarios to use them in battle. The Germans can get the T34 shock two years early; the 25TP is just as capable a fighting machine as the legendary Hammer of the Proletariat (and it’s crewed by Poles).

-description from publisher's website


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