Brook City: Velocity Expansion (2019)

Adam Sadler, Brady Sadler, Mitch Schroeder
Кооператив, Бросание кубиков, Переменная сила игроков
Время игры
45 — 120 мин
Количество игроков
1 — 4
Возраст игроков

Описание «Brook City: Velocity Expansion»

A mad bomber has caused mayhem all over town, blowing up landmarks and government institutions. While she has yet to harm anyone in the process, the damage she's causing to the city is nigh catastrophic. With all this chaos and destruction going on in Brook City, the BCPD can use any help it can get. Chance Mitchell has taken this opportunity to get some hands on experience with law enforcement for his upcoming cop movie. That’s right, Chance is a famous actor doing research for a new film, but gets caught up in real world cop work in the mean streets of Brook City.

In Velocity, the cops face a new criminal in the form of Leeta Wix, a street orphan from nearby Ransom City with an explosive attitude. Her crimes are focused on evacuating important buildings in Brook City so she can blow them to the ashes, proving to the Syndicate that she's a much better asset to their organization than a liability. Meanwhile, the cops have to solve a new dangerous case. Someone has strapped a civilian bus with enough explosives to send it into the atmosphere. What's worse? If the bus stops, it blows! So the cops have to carefully navigate a speeding bus, represented on the board by a detailed plastic miniature, along the streets of Brook City while preventing collateral damage from spelling their destruction.

The Velocity Expansion introduces a new modular element to Brook City in the form of wrecks. While these plastic wreck markers can be used in any game, they are specifically designed to augment the included "Velocity" case. With the wreck deck, any time a cop is forced to lose their vehicle, it crashes and causes a wreck. Wrecks block the streets and cause additional stress to cops; meaning if they don't clean up the streets, they'll get fired in no time!

Components: 1 bus miniature, 1 cop miniature, 12 crew miniatures, 12 wrecks, 82 cards (25 cop cards, 22 criminal cards, 21 case cards, 14 wreck cards)


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