Cards of Сonflict (2nd Edition)

Авторы ещё не указаны (добавить)
Механики ещё не указаны (добавить)
Время игры
40 — 120 мин
Количество игроков
4 — 30
Возраст игроков

Описание «Cards of Сonflict (2nd Edition)»

Attention! The board game "Conflict Cards" has an age limit of 18+!

Cards of Сonflict (2 Edition) are a very controversial, if not “scandalous” game. In it, participants will select the most successful answers to strange questions. Uncensored. Without political correctness. No brakes. “Cards of Сonflict” raises a wide variety of topics, often going far beyond the generally accepted norms of decency and etiquette. But if your company prefers black humor, banter over everything, and undisguised sarcasm, then this game is just what you need. Here you can plunge into the world of toilet jokes about orgies, people of non-standard sexual orientation, racism, and of course, laugh heartily at other charms of modern civilization.

Table of Contents Cards Board Game Content:
- 85 cards with questions
- 420 cards with answers
- rules of the game

The game begins with the fact that each player receives 10 white cards. In the first round, 1 player is selected - "Card Bro" of this round. "Card bro" takes 1 black card from the deck (black cards lie in one deck with the inscription down) and read out the text loudly. Each of the participants (except for "Card bro") chooses one of his white cards that seems to him the most suitable.

White cards are transferred to Card Bro, which in turn reads each option separately. We recommend that you reread the black card completely before reading out a new white card. "Card bro" is chosen by the winner, in his opinion, the option. The player whose white card wins this round receives a black card as a “ball."

At the end of the round, each player draws a new white card from the deck, so that at the beginning of the next round everyone has 10 white cards. White cards used in this round can be put down the white deck so that after a while they will return to them again. In each subsequent round, a new Card Bro is selected so that each player receives this role in turn. You yourself can choose the principle of changing “bro”: clockwise / counterclockwise, by height, age, leg size, or another sign that is understandable to all participants.

There are black cards in the deck, labeled “take 2”. In this case, each player must choose 2 white cards to form a winning combination. It is important to read the white cards in the correct order. Therefore, the card, the text of which you want to read first, you always need to put under the second card and so transmit "bro."

If you wish, you can modify the rules, for example, play without a “Card Bro”. In this case, each player votes for the option that he liked and gets the most votes with the score.


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