Carthago: Merchants & Guilds – Support of the Guilds (2018)

Ralph Bienert, Bernd Eisenstein
Древность, Карточная, Экономика
Очки действий, Построение колоды/мешка/движка, Карты на руках, Доставка, Сбор предметов, Торговля, Размещение рабочих
Время игры
60 — 90 мин
Количество игроков
2 — 4
Возраст игроков

Описание «Carthago: Merchants & Guilds – Support of the Guilds»

Promo Brettspiel Adventskalender 2018 for Day 18.

The Support of the Guilds mini-expansion offer players permanent in-game abilities in addition to earning victory points at the end of the game! The 6 new tiles may be used in any combination with the Achievement Tiles (AT) from the base game.

The tiles offer additional ways for players to earn points at the end of the game or, in exchange for the potential to earn extra points, players can take an additional turn during the game.


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