Catacombs (Third Edition): The Ice Box (2019)

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Время игры
60 — 90 мин
Количество игроков
2 — 5

Описание «Catacombs (Third Edition): The Ice Box»

This is a collection of stretch goals from the 2018 Kickstarter campaign for the playmat version of Catacombs. It includes alternate rules for the six base game heroes, six more heroes, five more monsters, four more Catacomb Lords, more room cards, three more antients, more items, and more spells.

There are also entirely new concepts added to the game, like stone traps that the overseer can set up on top of the obstacles and flick at the heroes. There is also a new reckless modifier: when a hero is hit with an attack that induces recklessness, that hero is now capable of friendly-fire.

More randomness can be added to the game. This can take the form of a token bag heroes draw from, and are able to perform the drawn move on a subsequent turn. Randomness is also added with the new Death antient/Catacomb Lord. Death brings a new deck of death cards. When a hero is hit with an attack with the death card icon, they draw one and apply its effect. These effects range from “gain two health” to “instant death”.

Finally, this expansion adds the mounts concept. Mounts act similarly to the wyverns of the Wyverns Wylemiur expansion- with some key differences. Mounts can teleport to runes, and then allow the hero riding to perform a melee or projectile act while on top of the mount. Heroes cannot be knocked of mounts, however, damage to mounts always passes to the hero. Mounts can also be controlled without a rider, and cannot he ridden by monsters.


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