Celestia: Boscalumia, the Forgotten City (2019)

Авторы ещё не указаны (добавить)
Приключения, Авиация, Карточная
Ставки, Бросание кубиков, Испытай удачу
Время игры
~30 мин
Количество игроков
2 — 6
Возраст игроков

Описание «Celestia: Boscalumia, the Forgotten City»

Boscalumia, la citée oubliée (Boscalumia, the forgotten city) is a new city tile (number 25). It is distributed by L'Atelier des Énigmes, an escape room in Annecy (France).

If you want to play with this city, place it at the right of Barbadahl (city 12) and leave a space between the two cities. When a turn begins in Barbadahl, the captain can choose to go on Karios (city 15) or to reach the forgotten city. If he choose the latter, he throws 4 dices. If the trip succeeds, the aircraft is place in the empty space between Barbadahl and Karios. On the next turn, the captain is forced to continue towards Boscalumia, and throw 4 dices. If the trip succeeds, the Boscalumia tile is flipped and all the passengers get 25 points. This city cannot be visited twice.


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