Chrononauts: German Cake Promo Card (2002)

Andrew Looney
Блеф, Карточная, Дедукция, Обучающие
Карты на руках, Модульное поле, Испытай удачу
Время игры
~30 мин
Количество игроков
1 — 6
Возраст игроков

Описание «Chrononauts: German Cake Promo Card»

This special Artifact card was designed to work in original Chrononauts, but you can use it in EAC by house rule agreement before the games starts.

When used with EAC, since the TimeLine is totally different, it is freely playable, and also counts as a dessert food item for 4 Missions.

Text says:
"Cannot be played or stolen if [Hitler is alive]. Once in play, it can be discarded at any time and used as a Memo. Cannot be used to stop theft of cake with Get There First." (I.e. it can't be used up to prevent itself from being stolen)

This card debuted as a promo card at Dragon*Con 2002, but was added to the original game during the 3rd printing.
It was also available for purchase by itself from the Looney Labs webstore


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