Peter Costa
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Описание «CHUCK-A-CHESS»

Chess married to Dice. The game consists of 8 dice, 4 in white and 4 in black. The dice are all identical, having the 6 chess pieces on each die.. You need a chess-set and board to play this game.

Four games are described:
Game 1: Kamikaze. Each player rolls 3 dice and may move any chess piece on the board that is shown on the dice. If a pair is rolled you may move that piece and throw again for a second move. If a triple is rolled, any piece can be moved and you get a further throw. If a player is placed in check, the opponent has up to three rolls to escape. If he fails to do so, it is Chuck-A-Mate.

Game 2: Pair-Fect. Same as above but only two dice are rolled. A pair rolled lets you move any piece. After a pair, the same player rolls again, even if his opponent is in check.

Game 3: Pair-Less. Four dice are rolled. Pairs in this game do not count and cannot move.Triples allow any piece to be moved and a second throw. If four of a kind are rolled, you may take any piece from your opponent and roll all the dice again. If four Queens are rolled, that is automatically Chuck-A-Mate.

Game 4: Four-Fun. Same as Game 3 but you may move any piece showing on the four dice that you roll. There are no extra moves. You may use the doubling die that is included in the game which works like in Backgammon. This is only sensible if you are playing for points over a set number of games.


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