Classic BattleTech Field Manual: Updates (2003)

Randall N. Bills, Loren Coleman, Chris Hartford, Herbert A. Beas II, Warner Doles, David L. McCulloch, Brant Sponberg, Chris Trossen
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Время игры
~120 мин
Количество игроков
2 — 6

Описание «Classic BattleTech Field Manual: Updates»

From the back of the book:

For five long years the Inner Sphere has know war on a scale not seen in centuries, with the militaries of literally every faction involved in combat to one extent or another. Now, as relative peace appears to be settling over the Inner Sphere, a review of the military forces of the BattleTech universe are in order.

Classic BattleTech Field Manual: Updates updates all ten Field Manuals, including a history section that will bridge the gap between where the appropriate Field Manual left off and the current year of 3067, as well as a complete and current TO&E for all factions. Updated random 'Mech assignment tables for all factions are also included.

User comment:

This sourcebook updates all of the ten volumes released by FASA as the Field Manual series, moving the timeline in each up to early 3067. While it doesn't add any new rules, units or equipment to those revealed in the Field Manual series, it does update the unit locations and the tables used for generating different force elements, which is very useful for generating games or campaigns.


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