Classic Battletech: Technical Readout – Prototypes (2011)

Herbert A. Beas II, Ben Rome, Geoff Swift, Joshua Franklin, Paul Sjardijn, Joel Steverson, Mike Miller, Luke "Jellico" Robertson, Craig Erne, William J. Gauthier, Jason Hansa, John Haward, Ken Horner, Daniel Isberner, Nick Marsala, Craig Reed, Chris Smith, Chris Wheeler
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~120 мин
Количество игроков
2 — 6
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Описание «Classic Battletech: Technical Readout – Prototypes»

Publisher Blurb:

The March of Progress
The Jihad is over. A new Republic has been born. In the wake of one of humanity’s greatest conflicts, the Inner Sphere, Periphery and Clans must adapt to new political and industrial realities - a new balance of power. But changes on the map are only the beginning. The Word of Blake’s war has scattered a new wave of technological progress across nearly every realm, giving rise to a new generation of combat units. Only the sheer devastation of the relentless fighting has slowed the arms race that is sure to come... but for how long?

Technical Readout: Prototypes introduces the wave of new battle armor, vehicle, ’Mech, and aerospace units that debuted in the years after the birth of the Republic of the Sphere. Featuring technologies rarely seen outside the testing fields or Solaris arenas, these new war machines provide a peek at the new age to come as mankind faces a new century.


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